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How To Replace Air Suspension Compressor Mercedes S500

How To Replace Air Suspension Compressor Mercedes S500


If you are curious to learn about how to replace air suspension compressor Mercedes S500, you have found yourself on the right page on the internet.

Here, you will discover the following highlights discussed in detail;

  • A step-by-step guide on how to replace air suspension compressor Mercedes s500.
  • Answers to frequently asked questions on air suspension compressors for Mercedes.
  • Signals indicating that it’s time to replace the air suspension compressor in your Mercedes S500
  • The tools you need to get started

Additionally, you will discover useful visuals that will further help you in doing this DIY skill successfully at your comfort zone.

Cool, isn’t it?

Let’s cut right to the chase.

Signals Indicating The Air Suspension Compressor In Your Mercedes S500 Is Due For Replacement

Here are signals that indicate your air suspension system, particularly that the Airmatic compressor is due for replacement.

  1. The car sags on all four corners below the normal riding height.
  2. The vehicle does not adjust its height and seems to sag lower when a load is put inside the trunk.
  3. Where you carry out a diagnosis of your Benz with a professional diagnostic scanner and the result of the diagnosis reveals your air suspension compressor is faulty.
  4. You begin to hear unusual loud noises or clicking from the rear end of the car.
  5. Each ride gets bumpier with each successive journey leading to a poor riding quality and experience in the car.
  6. Airmatic Visit Workshop message on the dashboard

These are telltale signs that the Airmatic suppression of your Mercedes S500 is faulty and needs replacement.

Now, let’s delve into how you will go about the air suspension compressor replacement.

Continue reading to find out.

The Simple DIY Guide On How To Replace Air Suspension Compressor Mercedes S500

First, read this disclaimer;

Although the designs for air suspension compressors vary from one Benz to another. Nonetheless, it’s the exact procedure for replacing the air suspension compressor in the Mercedes S class that would guide you when it’s a GL class, E class, or CL-class.

With that in mind, let’s check out this simplified approach.

The Step-By-Step Procedure For Replacing Air Suspension Compressor

Step 1; Power on the ignition, straighten the wheel of the car and then switch it off.

Step 2; raise the car at the front end. Do this with aid of a car ramp or hydraulic jacks. When using hydraulic jacks, ensure you place chocks at the rear tires so the car doesn’t shift position when you’re working on it.

Step 3; Pull away the black plastic panel away from the front end of the car. Usually, you will find three layers of the panel and yeah, you guessed right you have to pull away all three to access the air compressor but not in this case.

Step 4; In this case, you have to remove the first layer of the black panel right after the fender and you’ll find the air compressor of your Mercedes Benz S500 sitting underneath the headlight of the passenger seat.

Step 5; With the aid of an appropriately sized wrench (12mm precisely), disconnect the airline from the air compressor. You also have to ensure that you do not cause damage to the rubber gasket on the metal connector at the end of these air threads.

Step 7; Unplug the pair of electrical connectors linked to the Mercedes S500 air compressor. One of these pair controls the air compressor while the other controls the air outlet valves. Disconnect the electrical connectors carefully by pressing the release tab on the connector.

Step 8; To remove the air compressor, you first have to loosen the three nuts holding the air compressor in position. If these nuts prove stubborn you can first spray with a rust breaker or use an electric nut remover instead of a wrench.

Step 9; With the aid of nose clip pliers, disconnect the air intake valve from the compressor.

Step 10; Now you can remove the air compressor and prepare for the installation of its replacement.

Step 11; In reverse order, reconnect all connections and tighten all nuts you’ve earlier disconnected.

This video demonstration by YOUCANIC shows a  visual demonstration of how to replace air suspension compressors. Watch it here;

What Are Tools For Replacing The Air Compressor In Your Benz S500

Below are the tools needed for carrying out this task. Please note that you can get these tools on any automotive online store on the internet.

  1. An air compressor (new)
  2. Nose clip plier
  3. A pair of protective gloves and eyewear
  4. Hydraulic jacks, chocks, and jacks or Vehicle lift.
  5. Wrenches or Electric nut remover
  6. Rust breaker or Lubricant
  7. Ratchets
  8. Sockets

Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly asked questions about mercedes S500 air compressor

Should I change the air compressor relay whenever I install a new Airmatic compressor?

Answer; Yes. In my opinion, Yes. The Airmatic relay powers the air suspension in your vehicle. It pays to change to a new one. The Airmatic compressor relay is designed with sensors that detect the perfect time to take off or shut down based on signals received from door opening or the engine shutting down.

How long does it take to replace the air suspension compressor if you’re doing it yourself?

Answer; If you follow the procedure highlighted in this guide you should be able to complete this task in less than 2 hours.


Do I need to remove the front bumper to do this task?

Answer; You don’t need to remove the fender to perform this task.


How much does it cost to buy an Airmatic compressor?

Answer; Depending on the manufacturer, the average price on Amazon is $130.


In Conclusion

You have all that you need to get started with how to replace the air suspension compressor of any Mercedes S500.

So, go out there and put what you have learned into practice.

That’s about all there is to it.


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Luckie - September 18, 2023

I just changed my suspension aircompressor and now my car won’t start .
Ive my disconnected my battery for 15 minutes and put it back and still won’t start now .

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